Monday, June 24, 2024

cast into hell for a myriad Yugas

 Jai Sri Ram, 

One day I was repeating Shiva's name in a temple sacred to Lord Shiva, when my Guru came in,

But in my pride I did not rise to greet Him, he was so gracious to say anything, but grievous sin of showing disrespect to a Guru was more than the Shiva could tolerate,

An ethical voice proceeded from the temple itself, You wretched and conceited fool, even though your Guru has no anger on him and he is very tender hearted and possessed of true and perfect wisdom, Yet I must pronounce a Curse on you, for transgression of propriety is loathsome to me,

Bear malice against Guru are cast into hell for a myriad Yugas, after that take birth in subhuman species and suffer torment for then thousand successive existence, since you remained rooted to your seat like a python, Take form of snake, condemned to that wile state, go and take up your abode in the hollow of some huge tree,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please