Friday, June 28, 2024

treasure up this counsel in your heart

 Jai Sri Ram,

Now do that which may bring him supreme blessedness, O fountain of mercy, On hearing Brahman's words, steeped as they were in charity, the heavenly voice replied, SO BE IT,

Although he has committed a grievous sin and I in my wrath have pronounced a curse on him, yet, realizing your goodness, I shall do him a special favor, O holy Brahman, they who are of forgiving disposition and beneficent are dear to me as Sri Rama,

O Brahman, MY CURSE SHALL NOT GO IN VAIN, this fellow shall surely pass through a thousand incarnations, but the terrible agony in each successive birth and death shall not effect him in least, Hear O Sudra, my authentic words, in none of your births shall your awareness of previous existence leave you, in the first you will born in the capital of Sri Rama,and besides that you set your heart on my worship, due to the miraculous power of the holy city and by my grace, devotion to sri Rama spring up in your bosom, 

Hear my solemn declaration, a vow to serve the Brahmanas is the surest means of propitiating Sri Hari, even he who does does not succumb to the stroke of Indra's thunderbolt, my own mighty triadent, the rod of death and the terrible discus of Sri hari, is consumed by the fire of hostility with the Brahmanas, treasure up this counsel in your heart and there will be nothing in the world which may be difficult for you to attain, I BESTOWS ONE MORE BLESSING ON YOU, YOU SHALL HAVE UNOBSTRUCTED ACCESS EVERYWHERE,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please