Thursday, June 27, 2024

wanders from one womb to another, in error

 Jai Sri Ram,

This hymn of Eight verses was recited by the Brahman in order to propitiate Lord Shiva, Shiva is pleased with those men who devotedly repeat it,

All wise Shiva heard the Brahman and saw his devotion, an ethereal voice issued from the temple again, Ask for boon, O great Brahman, 

If, my lord, you are pleased with me and if, my master, you are affectionate to the meek, First bless me with devotion to your feet and then grant me another Boon, 

Overcome by your Maya, individual soul that Jiva constantly wanders from one womb to another, in error, therefore, O all merciful Lord, BE NOT ANGRY WITH HIM, NOW BE GRACIOUS TO THIS CREATURE, O SANKARA, COMPASSIONATE AS YOU ARE TO THE HUMBLE, SO THAT YOUR CURSE MAY PROVE A BLESSING TO HIM NOT LONG AFTERWARD,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please