Sunday, June 23, 2024

a wicked fellow should be avoided

 JaiSri Ram,

A wretch impure of mind, low born and overcome by infatuation, I was filled with jealousy at the very sight of Hari or  Brahman, and hated God vishnu, distressed to see the conduct my preceptor would admonish me everyday, but on hearing his admonition with rage, 

Can Sober council appeal to a Hypocrite, one day my preceptor call me and taught me wisdom in every possible way, The sole reward, my son, of worshipping Lord Shiva is uninterrupted devotion to Sri Rama's feet, Shiva himself as well as Brahma, dear son, adore Sri Rama, of what account, then is a vile human being, Do you hope to attain happiness, O wretched soul, by harbouring ill will to him whose feet are loved by Brahma and Shiva himself,

When I heard my Guru speak of Lord Hara as a votary of Sri Hari, O Lord of the feathered kingdom, was all on fire, vile of descent as I was, the little learning that I had acquired turned me head even as a serpent becomes all more poisonous when fed milk,

My Guru was so tender hearted to have least anger in him, on the other hand, he gave me good advice time after time, Smoke which is product of fire, extinguishes the latter when attains to the dignity of cloud, the dust laying on the Road is held in contempt and is over trodden under foot by all, but when carried aloft by the wind, It first envelop the air itself and then descends on the eyes or diadem, listen, thus realizing this state of things, the wise shun the company of vile, one should always remains aloof from, a wicked fellow should be avoided even a dog, i did not appeal me even though it was well wholesome,

May Lord Bless all,

Thanks, please