Saturday, June 29, 2024

assumed various forms, but my understanding never left me,

 Jai Sri Ram,

The Guru Rejoiced to heard the words of Lord Shiva through ethereal voice, and cried AMEN,

After admonishing me he returned home, with the image of Shiva's lotus feet impressed upon his heart, 

Driven by the fate I went to Vindhya mountains and was reborn as a serpent and again, when some time has elapsed, I easily dropped that form, whatever form I assumed, dropped again with utmost ease, even a man would cast off clothes, and put on a new set, Shiva vindicated the Vedic Law, while I was spared the agony involved in birth and death,

In this way, I assumed various forms, but my understanding never left me, 

May Lord Bless all,

Thanks, please