Saturday, August 24, 2024

Glory of Rama is charming beyond words

 Jai Sri Ram,

If kings get bridges constructed over the big rivers, which are too broad, even the tiniest ants cross them without exertion, reassuring the mind this way, shall narrate the charming story of Rama, many saint poets reverently recounted it, bow to them, 

I make obeisance to the bards of the Kali age, who have sung the virtues of Rama, Revere them all who have narrated the exploits of Rama, including those who have flourished in past, still living and those who yet to come, revere them all, 

The Glory of Rama is charming beyond words, while my speech is rough, am afraid, by your grace this incongruity will turn out well for me, embroidery of silk looks charming even on a coarse cloth,

The wise admire only that poetry which is lucid and portrays a spotless character and which even opponents hear with applause forgetting natural animosity, such poetry is not possible without a refined intellect,I bear limited intellectual power,  therefore I may depict the glory of Lord, I solicit again and again, hearing my childlike prayer and recognizing my refined taste, be kindly disposed towards me,

Jai Siya Ram, 

Friday, August 23, 2024

His greatest feature

 Jai Sri Ram,

Goddess Saraswati, Sesa, Shiva, Agamas that Tanta and Vedas and Puranas unceasingly sing his virtue Saying NOT THAT, NOT THAT, through all knows the greatness of Lord, but non has refrain from describing it, 

The Vedas has justified it thus they have variously sung the glory of remembering the Lord, who is one, desireless, formless, nameless and unborn, is truth that bliss personified consciousness, indeed supreme effulgence, all pervading, the one who has performed many deeds assuming suitable form, and done for the good his devotees, indeed supremely gracious by nature, and loving to the suppliant, excessively fond of devotees and treat them as his own, 

His greatest feature is that he never frowned at him to whom he has once shown his favour, known for being a restower of what has been lost,  BEFRIENDER OF THE POOR, straightforward and powerful master, 

Knowing thus, the wise sing his glories, thereby hallow and bring supreme reward to their speech, bowing my head to the lotus feet of such Lord, Saints of time and ages have sung his glory to make it easy to follow the very Path unto Him,


Thursday, August 22, 2024

If the pearls are pierced with skill and strung together on the beautiful thread

 Jai Sri Ram,

If the pearls are pierced with skill and strung together on the beautiful thread of Rama's exploits, and if noble souls wear them in their innocent heart, grace in the form of excessive fondness is result,

Those who are born in the kali age, who though akin to the crow in their doings have put on the garb of a swan, who tread the evil path, abandoning the track of Vedas, who are embodiment of falsehood and repositories of sins of the kali age, imposter by nature claiming to be the devotee of Rama, though slaves of mammon, anger and passion, and unscrupulous, hypothetical and foremost among intriguers, I occupy the first among them, 

Were I to recount all my vices, their tale, will not be limited to describe here, hence mentioned a few, entering in the spirit of my manifold prayer, none should blame me, those who raise objections, even then are more stupid and deficient in intellect than myself, Am not a poet, sing the glories of Rama, according to my own lights,

My intellect that wallow in the world, is poor match for unlimited exploits of Rama, tell me, what account is cotton in the face of the strong wind before which even mountains blown away, realizing the infinite glory of Rama, my mind feels very diffident in proceeding with the story, 

Jai Siya Ram

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

goddess Saraswati to the star Svati

 Jai Sri Ram,

The beauty of a gem, a ruby and a pearl does not catch the eyes as it should long as they are borne on the head of a serpent, the top of the mountain and the crown of an elephant respectively,

The charm of them all is enhanced when they adorn the diadem of a king or the person of a young lady, even so, the wise say, the outpouring of a good poet originate at one place, in the mind of poet, and exercise their charm elsewhere, on the mind of admirer,

Attracted by the devotion, Goddess Saraswati, the goddess of poetry, comes with all speed from the abode of Brahma, the topmost heaven, at his very invocation, the fatigue occasioned by the long journey cannot be relieved by millions of devices unless she takes a dip in the lake of Sri Rama's exploits,

Realizing this in their heart, poets and the wise men chant the glory of Sri Hari alone, which wipes away the impurities of the Kali age, the wise liken the heart of poet to the sea, his intellect to shall containing pearls and goddess Saraswati to the star Svati, if there is a shower in the form of beautiful ideas, lovely pearls make their appearance in the form of poetic effusion, 

Jai Siya Ram 

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

milk of even a dark cow is white

 Jai Sri Ram,

The tale of Sri Rama brings forth blessings and wipes away the impurities of the Kali age, the course of the stream of my poetry is torturous like that of the holy Ganga,

By the association with the auspicious glory of Rama, my composition will be blessed and will captivate the mind of virtuous, on the person of Lord Shiva, even the ashes of the cremation ground appear charming and purify by their very thought,

My composition will appear extremely delightful to all by its association with the story of Rama, even as timber of every description is transformed into sandal and become worthy of adoration by contact with Malaya mountain, and nobody takes the quality of wood in that region

The milk of even a dark cow is white and possesses a great medicinal value and is drunk by all, so do the wise chant and hear the glory of Sita and Rama even though couched in the language of common people,

Jai Siya Ram,  

Monday, August 19, 2024

who has not been exalted by noble company

 Jai Sri Ram,

My composition is devoid of charm but it has only merit, which is known throughout the world, recognizing this merit, men of sound reason, who are gifted with unplased judgement will surely hear it,

It contains the glory of Rama, which is exceedingly holy and very cream of the Puranas and the Vedas, abode of blessings and is muttered by Lord Shiva, the enemy of demon Tripura, along with his consort, Uma, 

Even a composition of marvellous beauty and written by a gifted poet does not command itself without the name of Rama, A pretty woman with a charming appearance and fully adorned doesn't look attractive when undressed,

On the other hand, the wise recite and hear with admiration even the composition of a worthless poet, which is devoid of all merits, knowing it as adorned with the name and Glory of Rama, for, like the bee, saints have bias for goodness, although it has no poetic charm, whatsoever, the glory of Rama is manifest in it, the only hope which flashes on my mind, who has not been exalted by noble company, even smoke from burning aloe wood is impregnated with the latter's fragrance and gives up its natural pungency, my composition is clumsy, treats a commendable theme. the story of Rama which brings felicity to the world,

Jai Siya Ram,

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Virtuous will listen this tale of Rama with taste

 Jai Sri Ram,

The laughter of the evil minded will benefit me, call the cuckoo hoarse, herons ridicule the swan, frog makes fun of the Cataka bird and malicious deride relined speech, 

To those who have no taste for poetry nor devotion to the feet of Rama, this undertaking of mine will serve as a subject for delightful mirth,

My composition is couched in the popular dialect and my intellect is feeble, hence it is a fit subject for ridicule, and those who laugh shall not incur any blame,

Virtuous will listen this tale of Rama with taste as sweet, I am not poet, nor adept, cipher in all art and sciences, Possesses critical knowledge of none vouch for it in writing on the blank sheet,

Jai Siya Ram