Friday, August 23, 2024

His greatest feature

 Jai Sri Ram,

Goddess Saraswati, Sesa, Shiva, Agamas that Tanta and Vedas and Puranas unceasingly sing his virtue Saying NOT THAT, NOT THAT, through all knows the greatness of Lord, but non has refrain from describing it, 

The Vedas has justified it thus they have variously sung the glory of remembering the Lord, who is one, desireless, formless, nameless and unborn, is truth that bliss personified consciousness, indeed supreme effulgence, all pervading, the one who has performed many deeds assuming suitable form, and done for the good his devotees, indeed supremely gracious by nature, and loving to the suppliant, excessively fond of devotees and treat them as his own, 

His greatest feature is that he never frowned at him to whom he has once shown his favour, known for being a restower of what has been lost,  BEFRIENDER OF THE POOR, straightforward and powerful master, 

Knowing thus, the wise sing his glories, thereby hallow and bring supreme reward to their speech, bowing my head to the lotus feet of such Lord, Saints of time and ages have sung his glory to make it easy to follow the very Path unto Him,