Wednesday, August 21, 2024

goddess Saraswati to the star Svati

 Jai Sri Ram,

The beauty of a gem, a ruby and a pearl does not catch the eyes as it should long as they are borne on the head of a serpent, the top of the mountain and the crown of an elephant respectively,

The charm of them all is enhanced when they adorn the diadem of a king or the person of a young lady, even so, the wise say, the outpouring of a good poet originate at one place, in the mind of poet, and exercise their charm elsewhere, on the mind of admirer,

Attracted by the devotion, Goddess Saraswati, the goddess of poetry, comes with all speed from the abode of Brahma, the topmost heaven, at his very invocation, the fatigue occasioned by the long journey cannot be relieved by millions of devices unless she takes a dip in the lake of Sri Rama's exploits,

Realizing this in their heart, poets and the wise men chant the glory of Sri Hari alone, which wipes away the impurities of the Kali age, the wise liken the heart of poet to the sea, his intellect to shall containing pearls and goddess Saraswati to the star Svati, if there is a shower in the form of beautiful ideas, lovely pearls make their appearance in the form of poetic effusion, 

Jai Siya Ram