Saturday, August 24, 2024

Glory of Rama is charming beyond words

 Jai Sri Ram,

If kings get bridges constructed over the big rivers, which are too broad, even the tiniest ants cross them without exertion, reassuring the mind this way, shall narrate the charming story of Rama, many saint poets reverently recounted it, bow to them, 

I make obeisance to the bards of the Kali age, who have sung the virtues of Rama, Revere them all who have narrated the exploits of Rama, including those who have flourished in past, still living and those who yet to come, revere them all, 

The Glory of Rama is charming beyond words, while my speech is rough, am afraid, by your grace this incongruity will turn out well for me, embroidery of silk looks charming even on a coarse cloth,

The wise admire only that poetry which is lucid and portrays a spotless character and which even opponents hear with applause forgetting natural animosity, such poetry is not possible without a refined intellect,I bear limited intellectual power,  therefore I may depict the glory of Lord, I solicit again and again, hearing my childlike prayer and recognizing my refined taste, be kindly disposed towards me,

Jai Siya Ram,