Tuesday, August 20, 2024

milk of even a dark cow is white

 Jai Sri Ram,

The tale of Sri Rama brings forth blessings and wipes away the impurities of the Kali age, the course of the stream of my poetry is torturous like that of the holy Ganga,

By the association with the auspicious glory of Rama, my composition will be blessed and will captivate the mind of virtuous, on the person of Lord Shiva, even the ashes of the cremation ground appear charming and purify by their very thought,

My composition will appear extremely delightful to all by its association with the story of Rama, even as timber of every description is transformed into sandal and become worthy of adoration by contact with Malaya mountain, and nobody takes the quality of wood in that region

The milk of even a dark cow is white and possesses a great medicinal value and is drunk by all, so do the wise chant and hear the glory of Sita and Rama even though couched in the language of common people,

Jai Siya Ram,