Saturday, September 14, 2024

Sri Ekadasi today

 Jai Sri Ram,

Sri Ekadasi today, it is a comprehensive truth that incorporates in itself all aspects of human life, including success in immaterial world, and unprecedented growth in spiritual reality,

If Life has to flow in truth with its dignity, it needs some eternal support and Sri Ekadasi could be best preposition to make it, 

Adoration of the day in truth with respective discipline, trained the devotees and aspirants to tune their life in harmony with inherent cult of self

Sri Ekadasi is a ceremonial truth to feed eternal self suitably through earnest adoration of the day, indeed a great day of the fortnight to bestows the best in context with eternal requisite,

Jai Siya Ram 

Friday, September 13, 2024

Hare Rama

 Jai Sri Ram,

The benevolent Rama will nonetheless respect the devotion and pleasure of this wicked servant, Rama, who made barks out and wise counsellors out of monkeys and bears, everybody calls me a servant of the lord and I my self claim to be one, and Sri Rama puts up with the scoffing remark that a master like Sita's Lord has a servant like Tulsidasa, 

My presumption and error are indeed very great, and, hearing the tale of my sins, even hell has turned up its nose at them, Lord applauded my devotion and spirit on hearing of perceiving and scanning them with the mind's eye,

Lord never cherishes at his mind the lapse, if any, on part of a devotee, while he remembers the latter's spirit a hundred time,

For instance, the very crime of which he had killed Vali even as a huntsman was repeated in the misdemeanour by Sugriva and Vibhishan too was guilty of the same offence, but Sri Rama took no cognizance of it even in a dream, Rama on the other hand, honored them both at his meeting and commented them in open Court, 

Jai Siya Ram


Thursday, September 12, 2024

Hare Rama

 Jai Sri Ram,

The name repeated with good or evil intention, in an angry mood or even while yawning, diffuses joy in all the ten directions, remembering that Name and bowing my head to Lord, and proceed to recount the virtues of Rama, 

Rama is a noble Lord, and poor servant like me, yet, true to his own disposition, that storehouse of compassion has fostered me, in the world as well as in the Vedas we observe the following characteristic in a good master, that he recognize one's devotion to him as soon as he hears one's prayer, 

Rich or a poor, rustic or urban or unlettered of good repute or bad, a good poet or a bad one, all men and woman extol the king according to his or her light, 

The pious, sensible, amiable and supremely compassionate ruler, who takes his descent from a ray of God, greets all with sweet words hearing their compliments and appraising their composition, devotion, supplication and conduct, such is the way of earthly monarchs, to say nothing of Rama, who is crest jewel of wise men, Rama get pleased with unalloyed love, but duller and more impure of mind in this world than I, 

Jai Siya Ram, 

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

another metaphor

 Jai Sri Ram,

The name of Rama is bestower of one's desired object of this age, it is beneficent in the other world, and one's father and mother in this world, 

In Kaliyuga neither Karma that action, nor Bhakti that devotion, again not that Jnana that true knowledge avails, the name of Rama is the only resort,

The age of Kali is as it were the demon Kalanemi, the repository of all wiles, whereas the name is the wise and mighty Hanuman, 

To use another metaphor, the name of Rama is, as it were, the lord Manifested as a man lion That Narasimhan and the kali age, the demon Hiranyakasipu, Crushing this enemy of gods, the name will protect the devotees repeating it, even as the man-lion protected Prahalada,

Jai Siya Ram

Monday, September 9, 2024

this age of Kali

 Jai Sri Ram,

The name of Rama is a wish yielding tree, the very home of beatitude in this age of Kali, by remembering which Tulsidasa, the saint poet, was transformed from an intoxicated drug like hemp plant to the holy basil,

Not only in this kali age but in all the four ages, at all times that past present and future and in all the three spheres that heaven, earth ad subterranean, creatures have been rid of grief by repeating the name,

The verdict of Vedas and Puranas as well as saints is just this, that love of Rama, or the name of Rama, is the reward of all virtuous acts,

In the first age, contemplation,,,, in the second age, sacrifice,,,, in the third that dwaper, lord is propitiated through worship,,,, this age of Kali, however, simply corrupt and the root of all impurities, where the mind wallows like fish in the ocean of sin, in this terrible age the name alone is a wish yielding tree, the very thought of which puts an end to all the illusions of the world,

Jai Siya Ram

Sunday, September 8, 2024

not even Rama can adequately glorify it,

 Jai Sri Ram,

By the grace of the name alone Lord Shiva is immortal and through endowed with auspicious paraphernalia such as a wealth of skulls, is yet a storehouse of blessings, 

By the grace of Name alone Siddhas that adepts, enjoy divine reptures, Narada realize this truth, that why, that Sri Hari is beloved of the world and Hara is dear to Hari, Narada is dear to both, 

Because of repeating the name, Lord shower his grace of Bhakta Prahlada, it is by remembering the holy name that Hanuman holds Rama under his thumb, 

The vile AJamila and even the celebrated elephant and harlot of the legend were liberated by the power of Sri Hari's Name, I have no word to depict the glory of the Name, not even Rama can adequately glorify it,

Jai Siya Ram,