Saturday, March 8, 2025

Shiva gladly said Amen,

 Jai Sri Ram,

The heart of all immortals is seized with a dominating impulse, they long to witness your wedding with their own eyes, my lord, O humbler of the pride of love, devise some means whereby we may be enabled to feast our eyes on this grand event, 

Having burnt the god of love you have done well in granting a boon to Rati, Parvati has practiced great penance which cannot be estimated, kindly accept her now, Shiva gladly said Amen,

The gods thereupon sounded kettledrums, raining down flowers exclamation victory, victory to the lord of celestials, considering this an opportune moment, the seven sages arrived on the scene,

 Brahma immediately sent them to Himachal, first they reached at Parvati, said, relying on the advice of Narada you would not heed our remonstrances then, your vow failed now, Shiva has burnt the god of love, 

Jai Siya Ram

Friday, March 7, 2025

In Krishna age,

 Jai Sri Ram,

Seeing Parvati's devotion, enlightened sages exclaimed, Glory to You, the mother of universe, You are Maya, while Shiva is God himself, bowing their head they departed, Thrill ran to the body of Parvati again and again with the words of sages, 

Sages went and dispatched Himachal to Girija, Sages called on to Shiva, relate the truth, they experienced and went to their abode, Demon Taraka was flourishing and causing distract to gods, they approached Brahma, Brahma reassured them by saying, demon should die when the son sprong from loins of Shiva, for he alone can subdue that demon in battle,

They manage cupid to disturb the serene cult of Shiva to make him ready for merry with Parvati, god of love failed miserably to invoke Shiva for the cause of gods though he made to seized the mind of all including animate and inanimate, but it yields his end

Shiva mind too get afflicted, soon shiva In rage reduced love god to ashes, then console his wife Rati and relate the truth unto birth of her consort, till then, love gods dominate all even without body, In Krishna age, born as his son and you shall found him, all the gods reached Shiva and rejoiced at once,

Jai Siya Ram

Thursday, March 6, 2025

one is ever concerned with him alone who gladden one's heart,

 Jai Sri Ram,

Even now accept our advice, we have thought of an excellent match for you, is free from blemishes, mine of virtues, Lord of Laxmi, his abode in Vaikuntha, such a suitor we shall unite with you

Said Parvati, you have rightly observed that this body of mine is begotten of a rock, I will sooner die than give up my tenacity, gold is another product of rock, which does not abandon its character even of consigned to fire,

I may not ignore Narada's advice, I fear not, he who has not faith in the word's of his preceptor cannot easily attain either happiness or success even in dream

Shiva may be full of faults and Vishnu May be a repository of all virtues, one is ever concerned with him alone who gladden one's heart, had you meet me earlier, i would have listened you, but not now,as for myself I must wed Shambu or remains virgin, no matter, 

Jai Siya Ram, 

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

5 maramused to hear of my folly

 Jai Sri Ram, 

There the seers saw Gauri that Parvati, as if she were penance itself personified, the sages said, hear, Parvati, why are you practicing such rigorous penance, whom do you worship and what do you seek, why not confide to us the real secret,

 I feel very shy in making my submission, you will be amused to hear of my folly, yet my mind has taken a rigid attitude and heeds no advice, it would raise a wall on water relying to the truth of Narada's prophecy, I long to fly even without wings, look at my madness, I always covet Shiva as my husband,

Sages laughed and Replied, tell us who has ever listened to Narada's advice and lived in his home, he astonished sons of Daksha, they never saw their home, he ruined the home of Citraketu and again Hiranyakashipu meet the similar fate, whosoever listen his advice are sure to leave their home and become medicent, 

Guileful at heart in garb of holy, wants to make everyone like himself, relying on his word looking for a consort that with inauspicious look, wear string of skulls, take serpents as an ornaments, is carefree, lives on alms, and enjoy sound sleep, CAN WOMAN STAY IN THE HOUSE OF HABITuaL ReCluSe,

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

listen to my appeal

   Jai Sri Ram,

Now, Shiva, if you have any affection for me, listen to my appeal, go and marry Sailja, the daughter of Himachal, grant this boon to me, Shiva replied, though this is hardly justified, the word of master cannot be sat aside at the same time, 

The words of one's parents, teacher and master must be unquestionably obeyed as conductive to bliss, you are my supreme benefactor in everyway, therefore, I bow to your commands, the Lord, was pleased to hear the well chosen words of Sankara, which are inspired with devotion, wisdom and piety, 

The Lord Said, your vow has been set, now bear in mind what I have told you, saying so he went out of sight,

 Sankara cherished the impression of the vision in his heart, that very moment the seven sages called on shiva, the Lord spoke to them in most charming accents, going to parvati, you put her love to the test, then directing her father, Himachala, to her, send her back home and dispel her doubts, 

Jai Siya Ram 

Monday, March 3, 2025

your desire is accomplished,

 Jai Sri Ram,

Listen, O daughter of mountain king, your desire is accomplished, cease all your rigorous penance, Shiva be soon be yours,

There have been many self possessed and illumined sages, but none of them performed such penance as this, now cherish in your heart this supreme utterance from heaven, knowing it to be invariably true, and ever sacred,

There, ever since Sati went, quitted her body, Shiva's mind recoiled from everything, he ever repeated the name of Lord, heard the recitation of Rama's glory here and there,

Shiva, who by nature is embodiment of bliss, free from error, arrogance and desire, roamed about on earth with his heart fixed on Lord, Rama visited Shiva and admonished him in many ways and told him of the birth of Parvati, narrated in length the most pious doings of Girija,

Jai Siya Ram, 

Sunday, March 2, 2025

deep voice of Brahma that creator resounded through heaven,

  Jai Sri Ram,

The Sage Vedasira then came and consoled them all, they were comforted when they heard of the glory of Parvati,

Cherishing in her heart the feet of her dear lord, Uma went to the forest and began her penance, her delicate frame was little fit for austerities, yet she renounced all luxuries fixing her mind on the feet of her Lord,

Her devotion presented a new phase everyday, got absorbed in penanance that she lost the conscious of her body, thousand years she lived on roots and fruits, while another hundred years she subsisted on vegetables, for some days her only sustenance was air and water, while few days she observed a rigorous fast, 

Three thousand years she maintained herself on the withered leaves, finally she gave up even dry leaves, then came to be known as APARNA, living without leaves, seeing her body emaciated through self mortification the deep voice of Brahma that creator resounded through heaven,

Jai Siya Ram,