Saturday, November 15, 2014

Can you alter the decree of providence

Jai sri Ram,
Seeing her Mother distressed, Uma Kalyani addressed the following soft yet prudent words to her,

Whatever is ordained by providence cannot be altered,

Realizing this be not worried Mother, if i am destined to have a crazy husband, why should any one be blamed for it,

Can you alter the decree of providence-therefore take no approach on you unnecessarily,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks please


Friday, November 14, 2014

pains of childbirth,

Jai Sri Ram,
Mena said i would cast my life, let my home ruined and let me earn bad reutation throughout the would but in no case would i marry you with this manic,

All ladies assmbled there were distressed when they swa mena sad-recalling affection of her daughter she wailed, wept and exclaimed-what harm have i done to narada that he should runed my happy home,

In good ssoth the sage is passionless and without affection, has no wealth, no dwelling and home, no shame no fear

What does a barren woman know of pains of childbirth,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks Please 

Thursday, November 13, 2014

How strange

Jai Sri Ram,
The Women were seized with excessive fear when they saw Shiva in frightful accouterments,

They fled in great panic, Mena was sore distressed at heart and sent for Parvati-with great affection she seated her in her laps,

Tears rushed to her eyes, to think that the creator, who made you so beautiful, should have been different enough to give you such a raving madman for a bridegroom,

How strange that a fruit which should have adorned the wish-yielding tree in helplessly appeared on the thorny Babula,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks Please 

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

auspicious lights

Jai Sri Ram,
The parents smiled; for they know that the children were talking of Shiva's retinue,

They re-assured the children in many ways and said, be not afraid, there is no cause for fear,

The party which had gone ahead to receive the bridegroom's procession returned with the processions and assigned beautiful lodgings to all the guests,

Mena kindled auspicious lights for waving around the bridegroom and the woman accompanying her sang melodies songs of rejoicing, a salver of Gold adorned mena's fair hand and She proceeded to Welcome Lord Shiva with great delight,

May Lord bless all,

thanks please 

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

house to house

Jai sri Ram,
Boys on reaching home when their parents questioned them-they spoke as follow-their limbs still shaking with fear, what shall we say,

The sight was such as could not be described, we wonder whether it was a bridegroom's procession or the army of death,

 The Bridegroom is a maniac, riding on a bull; serpents, skulls and ashes are his ornaments, his body is smeared with ashes and adorned with serpents and skulls, has mattered hair on his head and is dreadful to look at,

He is accompanied by ghosts and evil spirits, Goblins and fairies and demons with a frightful countenance, he who survives on seeing the bridegroom's procession is a man of great luck indeed, and will witness the wedding of Uma-these words uttered by the children from house to house,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks please  

Monday, November 10, 2014

capable of taking any form

Jai Sri Ram,
Himachal erected a most wonderful pavilion which beggared description, host of woods seas rivers and ponds were invited by Himachal, capable of taking any form they liked-they assume handsome figure with their fair consorts,

The splendor of city was so captivating that after a glance at it the creative skill of Brahma himself looked very small, men and women of the city were so lovely and ingenious that they enraptured the hearts even of sages,

The city in which the mother of the universe had bodied herself forth baffled all descriptions, prosperity success, wealth and happiness were always on the increase there and presented a new aspect,

When it was heard that the bridegroom was close at hand-there was commotion in the city, which added to its charm but when boys of the city have look unto the attendants on lord Shiva, phobia runs through them-bridegroom himself was indifferent to the truth of mundane beauty,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks please

Sunday, November 9, 2014

The attendants of Shiva

Jai Sri Ram,
The attendants of Shiva began to adorn their Lord-his matted locks were formed in crown and decked with crest of serpents, he had serpents for his earrings and bracelets, smeared his person with ashes and wrapped a lion skin around his loins,

A trident and a small drum shaped like hour glass adorned his hand-Shiva rode on a bull-female divinities smile to see him they said-the world has no bride worthy of bridegroom-Brahma Vishnu and host of other gods joined the bridegroom's procession and rode on their respective vehicles,

 God Vishnu called all the guardians of the different quarters and smilingly said-every one should march separately with his own retinue, this procession is no worthy of the bridegroom, you make your self a butt of ridicule in a strange city,

The Great Lord Shiva laughed in his sleeves and noticed the humour of Lord Vishnu Never fails, Lord Call Brangi to his attendants-indeed they were different to self in appearance not favorable to the truth of Human race yet the procession was quite worthy of the bridegroom,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks please