Saturday, June 8, 2024

and that alone blessed

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

It is sound maxim, O enemy of serpents, approved of by the Vedas and the saints too endorse it, that love should be shown to the manifest creature if we come to know it to be our greatest friend,

Silk for instant, is a product of a worm and from it we have beautiful silken textiles, 

That is why everyone tends the worm like one's own life even though it is most impure,

The real self interest in living creature lies in cultivating devotion to Sri Rama's feet in thought, word, and deed, that body alone is sacred and that alone blessed, in which one is able to worship Rama,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please 

Friday, June 7, 2024

everyone naturally loves that through which one has attained one's object,

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

Tell me my gracious lord, if it is a glory of spiritual insight or a feat of Yoga, 

My infatuation and delusion disappeared the moment I visited your hermitage, 

Tell me in a loving spirit, my lord, how did all this happen, Shiva continued to Uma, the crow rejoiced to hear, replied with utmost affection, blessed is your intellect, your question is pleasing to me, I have been  reminded of my previous births, I shall now narrates the whole of my story at full length

Listen to it attentively with all reverence, the m uttering prayer, austere penance, performing sacrifices, subjugation of the mind, and the senses undertaking sacred vows, charity, dispassion, right, judgement, Yoga, and realization, fruit of all this is devotion to the feet of Rama, without which no one can attain lasting peace, it was in this body that I blessed with devotion to Sri Rama, hence it is very dear to me everyone naturally loves that through which one has attained one's object,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please 

Thursday, June 6, 2024

After eulogizing

 Jai Sri Ram,

After eulogizing Kakabhusandi in many ways and bowing his head before him, proceeded in polite words, 

In my ignorance, I ask you a question, knowing me to be your own servant, O ocean of compassion carefully answer it,

You are omniscient knower of truth, having reached beyond the darkness of ignorance, amiable and straight in your dealing, and a storehouse of wisdom, dispassion and realization, above all beloved servant of Sri Rama, 

Wherefore did you get this form of crow, explain all to me clearly, also tell me, where did you get this lovely lake of Rama's exploits, I have heard from Shiva himself that you do not perish even during Mahapralaya, Shiva never utter an idle word induce doubt in my mind, that all including human, gods and others, is an victim of death, and beyond it time spirit which destroy the countless universe, is ever mighty and irresistible, how is that Most formidable time spirit has no power over you,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please 

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

incomparable mystery of Sri Rama

 Jai Sri Ram,had several painful fits

Garuda Rejoiced to hear the agreeable words of Bhusandi and fluffed up his featured, tears rushes to his eyes and his soul was flooded with joy as he meditated on the glory of Sri Rama, 

Recalling his former delusion he was filled with remorse at the thought that He had taken the dateless Brahma foe mere mortal, again and again he bowed his head at the crow's feet and loved him all the more,

Knowing him to be good as Rama, without a spiritual guide none can cross the ocean of mundane existence, though he be the equal of Viranchi, or Shankara, said, am bitten by the the serpent of doubt, dear sir, had painful fits of stupor in the form of so many fallacies, 

But Rama, the delight of devotees have saved me by sending me to a charmer in your person, by your grace my infatuation has ceased and I have learnt the incomparable mystery of Sri Rama,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please 

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

ocean of countless virtues

 Jai Sri Ram,

Sri Ram is an ocean of countless virtues, can anyone sound his depth, 

I have only told you the little I have myself heard from the saints, 

The Lord is won only by sincere devotion and is fountain of joy and an abode of compassion, 

Therefore, giving up worldly attachments vanity and pride, one should ever adore Sita's spouse,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please 

Monday, June 3, 2024

Sri Ekadasi Today

Jai Sri Ram,

Sri Ekadasi today, a day for soul to feel, touch the higher regions within self through cult of self to reach Lord Vishnu, the savior,

Secret is the science of this day from celestial cult, mystic is the day to relate spirit in truth with self,

A designated day to nourish self eternally for fair evolution, just be adoring the day in truth with discipline of the day,

Not just a day for Vishnu Pad Puja  but a miraculous day that work upon the moral truth and character of the embodied self to make it feasible to perceive the light divine for cause eternal,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please 

Sunday, June 2, 2024

Rama alone Rama's peer

 Jai Sri Ram,

The Lord is unfathomable as a myriad Patalas and dreadful as myriad Yamas, he is as sanctifier as countless millions of sacred places, his very name is obliterates all one's sins,

Rama as immovable as myriads of Himalayas and as deep as a myriad seas, the lord is as liberal in bestowing all one's cherished objects as a myriad cows of plenty, 

Lord is as good as Saradas and possesses the creative skill of myriad Brahmas, is good a preserver as a myriad Visnus and as thorough a destroyer as myriad of Rudras, As rich as Kuberas and capable of bringing forth material universes as myriads of Mayas, 

Lord is as good a supporter of the universe, is infinite and incomparable in every respect, has no compeer, Rama alone Rama's peer, even as reality suffers, diminution by being liked to a myriad glow worms, so do the great sages sings the praise of Sri Hari, each according to their light, he respect the sentiments of devotees and is extremely kind,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please