Friday, June 7, 2024

everyone naturally loves that through which one has attained one's object,

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

Tell me my gracious lord, if it is a glory of spiritual insight or a feat of Yoga, 

My infatuation and delusion disappeared the moment I visited your hermitage, 

Tell me in a loving spirit, my lord, how did all this happen, Shiva continued to Uma, the crow rejoiced to hear, replied with utmost affection, blessed is your intellect, your question is pleasing to me, I have been  reminded of my previous births, I shall now narrates the whole of my story at full length

Listen to it attentively with all reverence, the m uttering prayer, austere penance, performing sacrifices, subjugation of the mind, and the senses undertaking sacred vows, charity, dispassion, right, judgement, Yoga, and realization, fruit of all this is devotion to the feet of Rama, without which no one can attain lasting peace, it was in this body that I blessed with devotion to Sri Rama, hence it is very dear to me everyone naturally loves that through which one has attained one's object,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please