Sunday, August 18, 2024

Virtuous will listen this tale of Rama with taste

 Jai Sri Ram,

The laughter of the evil minded will benefit me, call the cuckoo hoarse, herons ridicule the swan, frog makes fun of the Cataka bird and malicious deride relined speech, 

To those who have no taste for poetry nor devotion to the feet of Rama, this undertaking of mine will serve as a subject for delightful mirth,

My composition is couched in the popular dialect and my intellect is feeble, hence it is a fit subject for ridicule, and those who laugh shall not incur any blame,

Virtuous will listen this tale of Rama with taste as sweet, I am not poet, nor adept, cipher in all art and sciences, Possesses critical knowledge of none vouch for it in writing on the blank sheet,

Jai Siya Ram