Thursday, August 22, 2024

If the pearls are pierced with skill and strung together on the beautiful thread

 Jai Sri Ram,

If the pearls are pierced with skill and strung together on the beautiful thread of Rama's exploits, and if noble souls wear them in their innocent heart, grace in the form of excessive fondness is result,

Those who are born in the kali age, who though akin to the crow in their doings have put on the garb of a swan, who tread the evil path, abandoning the track of Vedas, who are embodiment of falsehood and repositories of sins of the kali age, imposter by nature claiming to be the devotee of Rama, though slaves of mammon, anger and passion, and unscrupulous, hypothetical and foremost among intriguers, I occupy the first among them, 

Were I to recount all my vices, their tale, will not be limited to describe here, hence mentioned a few, entering in the spirit of my manifold prayer, none should blame me, those who raise objections, even then are more stupid and deficient in intellect than myself, Am not a poet, sing the glories of Rama, according to my own lights,

My intellect that wallow in the world, is poor match for unlimited exploits of Rama, tell me, what account is cotton in the face of the strong wind before which even mountains blown away, realizing the infinite glory of Rama, my mind feels very diffident in proceeding with the story, 

Jai Siya Ram