Saturday, April 23, 2011

God is generous

God is generous beyond measure and he has given the life to individual spirit to carry on with on the planet to experience the feeling that makes one merge in the ocean of bliss. To sustain the life God has created nature that facilitate the life in varying forms to feed it, to serve it and to guide it suitable through its pace.

Since God is true preceptor of the whole world in visible and invisible form, in visible form God guides the life through the varying modes of life to experience the truth that lies in and in invisible mode it appears in mind of individual with respect to one’s faith one keep for, to guide suitable.

Lord who is in dweller of hearts guides as sat-guru but one hardly listen to, because ego disrupt the pace to follow in.

God is a great savior, he protects man in his most agonizing state in the womb of the mother, and at the time one makes pledge to god that he will realize him on the cord of life to attain liberation from the bondage of illusion but.

We all living beings are fragment of God; therefore he is not our Guru alone but father mother and disinterested friend too. One has to accept his affinity with god to make life success.

It does not need any middle man to make us reach at who is our own in all respect, we have emerge from and we have to merge in, it needs to realize him to cut short the distance between emerge and merge.

May lord bless all

Thanks please