Saturday, July 20, 2024

Listen dear Garuda

 Jai Sri Ram,

Listen dear Garuda, there is no other form is as good as human body, every living creature including gods crave for it, it a truth to attain to beatitude and could be a mean to downgrade self to the lowest species among all,

Men failed to attain to Sri Hari ever after attaining this unique form, wellow in basest pleasures of senses is alike throwing this philosopher stone for worldly pebbles, THERE IS NO MISERY AS TERRIBLE AS POVERTY IN THIS WORLD, NO BLESSING AS GREAT AS COMMUNION WITH SAINTS,

A vow of nonviolence is highest religious merit, there is no sin is grievous as speaking ill of others, 

Diseases of the mind, from which everyone suffers, infatuation is the root of all ailments from these again arise many troubles,     Lust is counterpart of wind,    inordinate Greed corresponds to an abundance of phelms,    while Anger represents bile which constantly burns the beast,   should all these three combined results in Sannipat that derangement of the aforesaid three humours, causing fever,      craving for the manyfold pleasures of senses, difficult to realize, are various distempers, too numerous to name,    feeling of mineness corresponds to ringworm,    envy represents itches while JOY and GRIEF corresponds to the diseases of throat that enlargement of glands    grudging contemplation of other's happiness represents consumption,    while weakness and perversity of soul corresponds to leprosy,   Egotism is a counterpart of most painful gout,    while hypocrisy, DECEIT, ARROGANCE AND PRIDE corresponds to disease known as Dracontiasis,,,,, thirst of enjoyment represents the most advanced type of dropsy,,,,,, while three types of craving PROGENY RICHES AND HONOR  corresponds to the violent quartan argu, jealousy and thoughtlessness are the two types of fever, there are many more fell diseases, too numerous to mention 

May lord bless all,

Thanks, please