Sunday, July 21, 2024

grows stronger everyday and weakness in the form of sensual appetite goes,

 Jai Sri Ram,

People die even of one disease, while I have spoken of many incurable diseases which constantly torments the soul, How, then, can it find peace, there are sacred vows and religious observances and practices, austere penance, spiritual wisdom, sacrifices, Japa that muttering the name, charity and myriads of other remedies too, but the maladies just enumerated do yield to these, O Garuda Ji, 

Thus ever creature in the world is ailling and is further afflicted with grief and joy, fear, love and desolation, I have mentioned only few diseases of the mind, although plague of mankind, diminish to a certain extent on being detected but are not completely destroyed, feed by the unwholesome diet of sensuality they sprout even in the mind of sages, to say nothing of poor mortals, 

All these ailments can no doubt be eradicated if by grace of Rama, there must be faith in the word of the physician in the form of true preceptor, and the regimen is indifference to the pleasure of senses, Devotion to Rama is life giving herb, while devote mind serves as the vehicle in which it is taken, 

By this process the ailments can certainly be eradicated, otherwise all our affords will fail to get rid of them, the mind should be accounted as cured, only when heart gathered strong in the form of dispassion, applite in the shape of good resolution grows stronger everyday and weakness in the form of sensual appetite goes,

May Lord Bless all,

Thanks, please