Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Saints, trees, rivers, mountains, and the earth,

 Jai Sri Ram,

My Lord, I am, however, incapable of repaying my obligation to you, and simply adore your feet again and again, 

You are fully satiated and a lover of Rama, no one is so blessed as you are, Venerable sir, Saints, trees, rivers, mountains, and the earth, all these operate for the good of others, 

The poets have declare the heart of a saint to be soft as butter, but they did not know what should be said, for, while butter melts only when the same is heated on fire, Holy saints melts at the suffering of others,

My life and birth into this world have both been rewarded and by your grace all my doubts have fled, ever regard me as your own servant, again and again did the chief of birds speak thus, O Uma

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please