Thursday, July 25, 2024

flew away to Vaikuntha

 Jai Sri Ram,

Lovingly bowed his head at Kakabhushundi feet, who was so resolute of purpose, then flew away to Vaikuntha, the divine abode of Lord Vishnu, with an image of Rama, imprinted on his heart,

Said Shiva, Girija, there is no again so valuable as the fellowship of Saints, however cannot be had without the grace of Sri Hari, so declare by the Vedas and Puranas,I have thus repeated the most sacred narratives, by hearing which one is freed from the bonds of worldly existence and comes to have devotion to the lotus feet of the all merciful Rama, 

Rama, who by nature is wish yielding tree to the suppliant, again, they who listen to this narrative attentively to sacred places and other means of self purification, and perfection in Yoga through mind control, dispassion, and wisdom, scared rites and self control, Japa and austere penance, performing manifold sacrifices, compassion to all living beings, ministering to the Brahmanas and one's preceptor, learning, modesty, right judgement and nobility of mind, and character, in short all the expredients extolled in the Vedas, Bhavini, but one reward, devotion to Sri Hari, Such devotion to the Lord of Raghus, as has been glorified in the Vedas is attained by some rare soul by the grace of Rama, 

Although such devotion to Sri Hari is scarce attainable even by the sages, it can be easily attained by man who constantly listen to this story with Faith,

May Lord Bless all,

Thanks, please