Saturday, July 27, 2024

It should never be repeated to a Brahman hater

 Jai Sri Ram,

Said Shambhu, Listen Uma, blessed is the family, worthy of adoration for the whole world and hallowed too, in which is born an humble devotee of Rama, 

I have told you this Narrative According to my my own lights, although at First I kept it secret, I saw excessive fondness for the same in your heart and then I narrated to you the story of Rama, 

This Story should not be repeated to a perverse knave, who does not listen attentively to the story of Sri Hari, nor it should be recited to a greedy, irascible or lustful man who worship not Rama

It should never be repeated to  a Brahman hater, be a monarch as great as Indra, they alone are qualified to hear Narratives of Rama, who are extremely fond of communion with holy men, they alone are eligible to hear it, who are devoted to their preceptor, and are lover of propriety and votaries of Brahmans, The story affords special delight to them who hold the graceful Rama dear as their Life,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please