Monday, July 22, 2024

Bhusandi Rejoiced again and again

 Jai Sri Ram,

I have narrated the incomparable story of Sri Hari according to my own lights, forgetting all duties Rama alone should be adored, who else is worth serving, if you renounce the almighty, Rama, who regards the fool like me as his own, you are wisdom incarnate and have no infatuation, on the other hand you have done me a great favour that you asked me to repeat the most sacred Story of Rama, which delights the soul, 

The fellowship of saint is difficult to get in this world, be it for the twinkling of an eye or for half an hour even for once, ponder in your heart and see for yourself whether I am competent in anyway to worship Rama, vilest bird that impure by nature yet Lord has made me known as purifier of the world,Bhusandi Rejoiced again and again as he pondered Rama's manifold virtues, that I should enjoy the grace of Sri Rama, whose glory sung by the time, ages and aeons, 

Strivers and perfect souls, that liberated and the serrs and learned men, those knowing the secrets of Karma and those renounced the all actions, mystics and valiant heroes, great ascetics and wise men, pious souls and men of erudition and even men who have realized the self, none of these can cross the ocean of mundane existence without adoring Rama, 

Whose name is unfailing remedy for the disease of birth and death and alleviates the three kinds of terrible pains, May Rama remains propitious to me and you, 

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please