Friday, July 26, 2024

blessed is the monarch who administrate the justice

 Jai Sri Ram,

He alone is omniscient and accomplished, he alone is wise, he alone is an ornament of the globe, learned and munificent, he alone is pious, and the saviour of his race, whose mind is devoted to the feet of Sri Rama, 

He alone is perfect in correct behaviour and most sagacious, he alone has thoroughly grasped the conclusion of the Vedas and alone is the seer and a man of erudition, and saunch in battle, who adores the Rama in guileless and blessed spirit,

Blessed is the Land where flows the celestial stream Sri Ganga, blessed is the wife who observe a vow of fidelity to her husband, blessed is the monarch who administrate the justice, Blessed is the Brahman who swerves not from his duty, blessed is the wealth which is used to the best knowledge, 

Best is the Intellect and ripe too, which is devoted to pious acts, blessed is the hour which is spent in communion with saints, blessed is the birth in which one practices unceasing devotion to the twice born that Brahmans,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please