Monday, July 22, 2024

soul bathes in the pure water of wisdom

 Jai Sri Ram,

When the soul bathes in the pure water of wisdom, the heart is saturated with devotion to Sri Rama, Shiva, Brahma and all other sages and seers of ages and aeons are of this reality, that one should cultivate devotion to the lotus feet of Rama,

Vedas and Puranas including all ancient scriptures of celestial cult declare that there can be no happiness without practising devotion to Rama, it would be easier for the hair to grow on the shall of tortoise, or for the progeny of a barren woman to slay anyone or for flowers of every description to appear in the air than for any creature to be happy even through hostile to Sri Hari, 

Sooner shall thirst be slaked by drinking of a mirage or horns sprout on a hare's head or darkness efface the sun han a creature who has turned his face against Sri Rama find happiness, sooner shall fire appear out of ice than an enemy of Sri Rama enjoy happiness,

Sooner shall butter be churned out of water or oil be extracted from sand than the ocean of worldly existence be crossed without adoring Sri Hari, this is conclusion which cannot be set aside, Rama can exalt a mosquito to an Brahma and degrade Brahma to a lowest position lower than a mosquito, I tell you my considered view and my words can never be untrue, men who worship Rama are able to cross the most turbulent ocean of mundane existence,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please