Thursday, July 18, 2024

easy devices for finding it, but luckless souls attempts harder

 Jai Sri Ram,

There are easy devices for finding it, but luckless souls attempts harder methods, The Vedas and Puranas represents holy mountains, and the stories of Sri Rama, the many glorious mines located in their midst,

The saints are the expert mineralogists and their pertaining intellect, the pickaxe, while spiritual wisdom and dispassion are the two eyes for surveying the mines, any creature who looks for it with faith and succeeds in discovering this gem of devotion, that a mine of blessings, 

I have this conviction in my heart that servant of Rama is greater than Sri Rama himself, while Sri Rama is the ocean and wise saints are rain clouds, while Sri Hari is sandal tree, saints represents the winds, devotion to Sri Hari, which is so delightful, is reward of all spiritual endeavors,

None has ever secured it except through a saint, realizing this whoever cultivates the fellowship of saints finds devotion to Sri Rama easy of attainment, O king of the birds,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please