Friday, July 19, 2024

Seven questions,

 Jai Sri Ram,

The Vedas are compared to the ocean of milk, spiritual wisdom plays the role of mount Mandara, while saints are the gods who chum out nectar in the form of the sacred legends, and devotion represents its sweetness,

Using dispassion as a shield for the self defence, and slaying with the sword of wisdom enemies in the form of vanity, greed and infatuation, 

It is devotion to Sri Hari that triumphs, ponder and realize this, O king of birds, Garuda further submitted in loving tones, if you cherish fondness for me, my gracious master, kindly recognize me to be your servant and answer me the following Seven questions

Please tell me that which form of all is most difficult to obtain, next tell me briefly which is greatest misery and again which is the highest pleasure, please describe the innate essentials of a Saint, and please also tell me the highest religious merit, and please what is the most terrible sin, TELL ME IN UNAMBIGUOUS TERMS THE DISEASES OF THE MIND,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please