Monday, July 8, 2024

Maya that manifest in the form of a woman,

 Jai Sri Ram,

They who knowingly cast aside such devotion and take pains to acquire mere wisdom are fools who would leave alone the cow of plenty at their own house and knock about in search of Aka plant, the milk weed, to get milk out of it, The fools who ignore Bhakti and seek happiness by any other means stupidly seek to swim across the ocean without the help of vessel

Garuda Rejoiced to hear Bhusandi's words and submitted in gentle accents, by your grace, my lord, doubt and sorrow, error and delusion have disappeared from my heart, I have also listened to the praise of Sri Rama, and attained peace of mind by your grace, my lord I ask you one question more, pray, explain the whole thing clearly, O ocean of compassion, the saints and the sages as well as the Vedas and Puranas declare that there is nothing so difficult of attainment as wisdom,  

Although the Sage Lomesha instructed you in the same, you did not show the same amount of regard for gnosis as for devotion, explain me all the difference between Gnosis and Devotion, the sagacious crow was gratified to hear the question of Garuda, and politely replied, there is no difference between the two, both are equally efficacious in relieving the torments of birth and death, great sages nonetheless point out some difference between the two, listen the same with rapt attention

Wisdom, dspassion, Yoga and realization, markme, are all masculine in conception, the might of man is formidable indeed, while a woman is naturally weak and dull by her very birth, but the man alone who is unattached and resolute of mind can forswear woman, not the sensual voluptuary, who has turned his face against the feet of Sri Rama, but even such an enlighten sage, succumbs, to the charm of pretty women at the very sight of her moon like face, it is God Vishnu's own Maya that manifest in the form of a woman, 

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please