Saturday, July 13, 2024

By artifice, force or fraud they approach her

 Jai Sri Ram,

By artifice, force or fraud they approach her and put off the light by fanning it with the end of their garment, if Buddhi happens to be most sagacious, she refuses even to look at them considering them to be her enemies,

If these impediments falls to distract her, the gods next proceed to create trouble, the various apertures of the body that locate the five senses are so many windows in the chamber of the heart, each of which is presided over by the god, even as they find the gust of sensuality entering the chamber of gods wantonly throw the shutters of these apertures wide open,

As soon as the blast penetrate the chamber of heart the light of immediate knowledge gets extinguished, in this way while the ligature binding the spirit with matter remains united, the light of self realization also disappears and the understanding gets bewildered when buffeted by the blast of sensuality, 

Gnosis is welcome neither to the senses nor the gods presiding over them, who are ever fond of sensuous enjoyments, and the Buddhi too having been distracted by the blast of sensuality, who can light the lamp again as before,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please