Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Milk began to flow from her teats,

 Jai Sri Ram,

Listen, Garuda, to this unuttered romance, which can only be comprehended by the mind but is incapable of expansion, Soul is particle of divinity, immortal, conscious, unattained by Maya and blissful by nature, Such a soul has allowed itself to be dominated by Maya and has been caught in its own trap like a parrot or a monkey

Matter and spirit have been linked together with a knot which, though imaginary, is difficult to untie, since then the soul has become worldly, it can have no happiness till this knot is untied,

The Vedas and Puranas have suggested a number of devices for untying the knot, but the knot, far from being resolved, becomes harder and harder, the interior of the soul being utterly clouded with darkness of ignorance, the knot cannot even be perceived, how, then, can it be untied,

If God were to bring about such conditions, even then the disentangled of the knot is problematic, suppose by the grace of Sri Hari the blessed cow in the shape of Japa, austere penance, sacred observances, the Yamas, Niyama or forms of self restraint, that five Niyama or positive virtues and innumerable other blessed virtues and religious practices recommended by Vedas, Milk began to flow from her teats,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please