Tuesday, July 9, 2024

perpetual and uninterrupted love

 Jai Sri Ram,

Here I do not speak in a partisan spirit, but merely state the view of the Vedas and Puranas, a woman is never enamoured of another woman's beauty, is a strange phenomenon, 

Maya and Bhakti, mark me, both belongs to feminine group, as everyone knows, again, Bhakti is beloved od Rama, while Maya is mere dancing girl, Ram is well disposed towards Bhakti, hence Maya terrible afraid of her, 

Maya shrinks at the very sight of the man in whose heart ever abides Bhakti, unobstructed the peerless and guileless spirit of devotion, and cannot weird her authority over him, Knowing this, sages who have realized the truth solicit Bhakti, which is the fountain of all blessings

No one can speedily know this secret of Rama, but whoever comes to know it by the grace of Rama, can never fail a prey to infatuation even in dream, further hear, most sagacious Garuda, the distinction between gnosis and devotion, by hearing which one develops perpetual and uninterrupted love for Sri Rama, 

May Lord Bless all,

Thanks, please