Friday, January 3, 2025

The charming Story which Yajnavalkya related to the Good Sage Bhardwaj,

 Jai Sri Ram,

While the Lord sat at the foot of trees, the monkeys perched themselves high on the boughs, Such insolent creatures He exalted to his own position, 

There is no lord so gracious as Rama, O Tulsidasa, your goodness, O Rama, is beneficent to all, if this is a fact, Tulsidas too will be blessed by the same,

Thus revealing my merits and demerits and bowing my head once more to all, I proceed to sing the immaculate glory of the chief of Raghus, by hearing which the impurities of the kali age are wiped away, 

The charming Story which Yajnavalkya related to the Good Sage Bhardwaj, I shall repeat the same dialogue at length, let all good souls hear with a feeling of delight,

Jai Siya Ram,