Sunday, December 29, 2024

neither Karma that action, nor Bhakti

   Jai Sri Ram,

The name of Rama is bestower of one's desired object of this age, it is beneficent in the other world, and one's father and mother in this world, 

In Kaliyuga neither Karma that action, nor Bhakti that devotion, again not that Jnana that true knowledge avails, the name of Rama is the only resort,

The age of Kali is as it were the demon Kalanemi, the repository of all wiles, whereas the name is the wise and mighty Hanuman, 

To use another metaphor, the name of Rama is, as it were, the lord Manifested as a man lion That Narasimhan and the kali age, the demon Hiranyakasipu, Crushing this enemy of gods, the name will protect the devotees repeating it, even as the man-lion protected Prahalada,

Jai Siya Ram