Saturday, December 28, 2024

home of beatitude in this age of Kali

  Jai Sri Ram,

The name of Rama is a wish yielding tree, the very home of beatitude in this age of Kali, by remembering which Tulsidasa, the saint poet, was transformed from an intoxicated drug like hemp plant to the holy basil,

Not only in this kali age but in all the four ages, at all times that past present and future and in all the three spheres that heaven, earth ad subterranean, creatures have been rid of grief by repeating the name,

The verdict of Vedas and Puranas as well as saints is just this, that love of Rama, or the name of Rama, is the reward of all virtuous acts,

In the first age, contemplation,,,, in the second age, sacrifice,,,, in the third that dwaper, lord is propitiated through worship,,,, this age of Kali, however, simply corrupt and the root of all impurities, where the mind wallows like fish in the ocean of sin, in this terrible age the name alone is a wish yielding tree, the very thought of which puts an end to all the illusions of the world,

Jai Siya Ram