Saturday, January 4, 2025

Shiva imparted it once more to Kakabhusandi

  Jai Sri Ram,

The Ravishing tale was conceived by Sambhuwho graciously communicated to his consort Uma that Goddess Parvati, 

Shiva imparted it once more to Kakabhusandi, a sagacious reality in the form of a crow, knowing to be a devotee of Sri Rama, and one qualified to hear it,

It was Yajnavalikya who received it from Sri Kakabhusandiand narrated it to a pious sage Bhardwaja, 

Both these, the listener and the reciter are equally virtuous, they know all alike and are more acquainted with the pastimes of Sri Hari, like a emblic myrobalan fruit placed on one's palm, they hold the past, present and future within their knowledge, besides these, other enlightened devotees of Sri Hari too recite hear and understand this story if diverse ways,

Jai Siya Ram,