Sunday, January 5, 2025

Story of Rama

 Jai Sri Ram,

Said Tulsidas, I heard the same story in the holy Sukaraksetra that modern soron in the western UP, from my preceptor, but as had no sense in those days of my childhood, I could not follow it full well, both the listener and the reciter of the mysterious story of Rama must be repositories of wisdom,

How, then could I, a dull witted and stupid creature steeped in the impurities of the kali age, expect to follow it, nevertheless, when the preceptor repeated the story time after time, I followed it to be a certain extent according to my poor lightsI shall versify the same in popular tongue, so that my mind derive satisfaction from it, 

Equipped with what little intellect and critical power I possess, I shall write with a heart inspired by Sri Hari, the story I am going to tell is such as will dispel my own doubts, errors and delusion, and will serve as a boat for crossing the stream of mundane existence,

The Story of Rama is a solace to the learned and a source of delight to all men and wipes out the impurities of Kali age, Sri Rama's story is a pea hen for the serpent in the form of kali age, again it is a wooden stick for kindling fire of wisdom, is a cow of plenty in this age of Kali, beautiful life giving herb for the virtuousveritable river of nectar on the surface of this globewhich shatters the fear of birth and death, is a virtual snake for frog of delusion, 

Jai Siya Rama,