Tuesday, January 7, 2025

river Mandakini

 Jai Sri Ram,

The story of Sri Rama is the river Mandakini, which washes the foot of Chitrakoot, a guileless heart is mount Chitrakoot, one of the harpy resort of Sri Rama During his wandering in the forest, while pure pure love, says Tulsidasa in which Sita and Rama carry on their divine pastime,

The narratives of Rama is lovely wish yielding gem, and a graceful adornment for saintly wisdom, the host of virtues possessed by Rama are a blessing to the world and bestowers of liberation, riches, religious merit and the divine abode, and the divine abode,

They are true teachers of wisdom, dispassion and Yoga That Contemplative unison with God, and celestial physician that Ashwini kumars for the fell disease of metempsychosis, parents of devotion to Sita Rama and the seed of all holy vows, practices and observances, antidote for sins, agonies and grief and beloved guardian in this as well in that world,

Valliant ministers to king reason and a veritable Agustya drinking up the illimitable ocean of greed, young lions, residing in the forest of the devotee's mind to kill the herd of elephants in the shape of lust, anger, and impurities of the kali age, dear lord Shiva, the slayer of demon Tripura as a highly respectable and most beloved guest, and wish yielding clouds quenching the wild fire of indigence, 

Jai Siya Ram,