Monday, May 27, 2024

started up in haste and ran,

 Jai Sri Ram,

Time shall have no power over you, Remember and adore me unceasingly, I did not feel sated with hearing the nectar like words of Lord, felt extremely delighted at heart, 

The joy I felt on the occasion was shared only by the mind and the ears that auditory senses, tongue had no power to tell it, The eyes alone had blissful experience of beholding the Lord's beauty, but how could they describe it, devoid of speech as they are,

After he had gladdened me by his manifold exhortations, he again began to sport like a child as before, with tears in eyes he looks somewhat gloomy, looked at his mother as if he was hungry, 

Seeing the mother started up in haste and ran, clasped him in her bosom,, then, laying him on the lap, she began to suckle him, singing the whole of Sri Rama's charming exploits,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please