Sunday, May 26, 2024

worship me, abandoning all other hope and reliance,

 Jai Sri Ram,

A father has a number of sons, each different from others in character, temper and conduct,

One is learned , another given to austerities, third in spirituality, fourth rich, fifth possessed of velour, sixth charitably disposed, seventh all wise, and eighth intent on piety, but the father equally loves all, ninth son is devoted to father and obedient to father like anything, serve in thought, words, and deeds, never dream of any other duty

This is the son father loves as his own life, thought he be in perfect ignoramus in a like manner all animate and inanimate beings, including subhuman species, gods, men and demons, in short the whole of this universe is my creation and I am equally compassionate to all, 

Of these, however, he who adore me in thought, word and deeds, forswearing arrogance and wiles, be it man, woman, of lacking the character of both, or, for the matter of that, any living being whatsoever of the animate or inanimate world, he who adore me with all being, giving up all guile, is supremely dear to me, I tell you in all sincerity that a guileless servant is dear to me as life, realizing this worship me, abandoning all other hope and reliance,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please