Friday, May 31, 2024

Without faith there can be no devotion

 Jai Sri Ram,

Without faith there can be no devotion and Sri Rama never melts except through devotion, Without Sri Rama's grace the human soul can never attain peace even in a dream, 

Pondering thus, O Garuda of resolute mind, abandon all caviling and scepticism  and adore the beautiful Sri Rama, fountain of mercy and delight of all,

Thus, my master, have I sung to my my own light the greatness of my lord's glory, O king of birds, I have not had recourse to any inventive skill, I have seen all this with my own eyes, 

Sri Rama's greatness, his name, beauty and the song of his praise, they are all boundless and endless, and Rama himself is infinite, The sages sing his praises each according to his wits, but neither the Vedas nor the Shiva himself reach their end,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please