Tuesday, March 7, 2023


 Jai Sri Ram,

He found Sita greatly agitated, every moment that passed hung on her as a whole lifetime of the universe, if a thirsty man dies for want of water, of what avail is a lake of nectar to him once he is dead, 

What good is a shower when the whole crop is dried up, what use repenting over once the opportunity is lost, thinking thus within himself, Rama looked at Sita and a thrilled all over to perceive her singular devotion,

He inwardly made obeisance to Visvamitra and TOOK UP THE BOW WITH GREAT AGILITY----the bow gleamed liked a flesh of lighting as he grasped it in his hand, and it appeared like a circle in the sky, no one knew when he took it in hands, string it and drew it tight, EVERYONE SAW HIM STANDING WITH THE BOW DRAWN, INSTANTLY SRI RAMA BROKE THE BOW IN HALVES, the awful crash resounded through all the spheres, 

The awful crash reached through the spheres, the horses of the sun strayed from their course, the elephants of the quarters trumpeted, the earth shook, the serpent king, the divine boar and the divine tortoise fidgeted about, gods, demons, and sages put their hands to their ears and all began anxiously to ponder the cause, but when they learned says Tulidasa, that Sri Rama had broken the bow, they uttered shouts of VICTORY,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please