Monday, May 20, 2024

Rama again began the same childish sports, pranks with me

 Jai Sri Ram

It seemed as if hundred cycles had been spent in my wandering through the many universes, At last of my travels I came to my own hermitage and stayed there for some time,

Meanwhile I happened to hear of my Lord's Birth at Ayodhya, I ran with overwhelming ecstasy of love and went to witness the grand festival of his birth, 

There again I beheld the divine Rama, my understanding was obscured by the mists of delusion, in less than an hour I have gone through everything, was lost in a maze,

Seeing my distress the gracious Rama laughed and mark me, the moment he laughed I came out of his mouth, Rama again began the same childish sports, pranks with me, I reasoned wit my self in everyway I could, but,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please