Friday, May 24, 2024

realize this

 Jai Sri Ram,

I am pleased to see your sagacity in that you have sought devotion, which is extremely dear to my heart,

Listen, O Bird, by my grace now all good qualities shall abide in your heart, Devotion, spiritual wisdom, realization, dispassion, Yoga, 

My exploits as well as my secrets and classification, by my grace you shall obtain all these and shall not be required to undergo the rigorous Sadhana, 

None of the error arise from Maya shall cloud your mind any more, henceforth know me the same Brahma, who is without beginning , birth less, devoid of attributes and yet mine of virtues, Listen, Kakabhusandi, realize this, cherish unflinching devotion to my feet in thought, word and deed,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please