Thursday, June 20, 2024

In the Kali age

 Jai Sri Ram,

In the Satyayuga everyone is possessed of mystic powers, and wise too, hence in that age men cross the ocean of mundane existence by meditating upon Sri Hari, 

In Treta age men perform sacrifices of various kinds and cross the ocean of metempsychosis by dedicating their actions to the Lord,

In the Dwaper age men cross the ocean of worldly existence by adoring the feet of Sri Rama, there being no other mean to do it, 

In the Kali age neither Yoga that contemplation of mind, nor performances of sacrifices nor spiritual wisdom is of that avail, one;s hope lies in hymning Sri Rama's praise undoubtedly cross the ocean of transmigration, the power of name is thus manifest in the kali age, the kali age possesses another scared virtue, in this age projected acts of virtue are rewarded, but projected sins are not punished,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please