Monday, June 17, 2024

pamper their body, while slanderers are diffused all over the world

 Jai Sri Ram,

Listen, O Lord of the winged creatures, in age of Kali duplicity, perversity, hypocrisy, malice, heresy, pride, infatuation, concupiscence and arrogance ect, pervades the whole universe,

Men practise Jaap that muttering of prayer, austere penance and charity, perform sacrifices and undertake scared vows with some unholy motive, the God rains not upon the earth and food grains sown in the soil do not germinate, 

Women have no ornament except their tresses and have an enormous appetite, though miserable for want of money, they are rich in attachments of Various kinds, are poor in wits, their mind is hardened and no tenderness,

As for men they are tormented with diseases and find no enjoyment anywhere, are conceited and contend with others without any rhyme or reason, Kali age has driven men mad, no one respect the sanctity of one's own sister or daughter, no contentment, no discernment, nor composer, all taken to begging, envy harsh words and covetousness are rompant, while evenness of mind is absent, are smitten with bereavement and deep sorrow,, duties and rule of conduct neglected, charity, compassion and wisdom disappears in them, while stupidity and fraud multiply in large extent,  men women pamper their body, while slanderers are diffused all over the world,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please