Friday, June 9, 2023

Rama reposed in the hermitage overnight,

 Jai Sri Ram,

Sage Bharadwaj invoked his blessing on Rama, and felt great joy in his heart that God had as was set before him in visible form, enquiring welfare the sage allotted seats to the royal guests in love that eternal, offer bulbs, roots, and fruits and sprouts that best in themselves all the way, 

Sage addressed Rama, today my penance, pilgrimage, and renunciation has met with respective rewards that beyond perceptive skill, O Rama, there is no culmination of gain, joy and other than this, in beholding you my hopes have been realized, now be pleased to grant me the boon that spontaneous attachment to your lotus feet,

Until a man gets sincerely devoted to you in thought, words, and deed, he cannot even dream of happiness in spite of all his devices, Rama told the sage all about countless ways the fair and bright renown of his sagacious truth, both experienced the ineffable joy, 

Rama reposed in the hermitage overnight, at daybreak he bathed at Prayag and proceeded on his journey along with Sita and Laxman, and Guha, bowing his head to the sage,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please