Thursday, May 16, 2019

sri Rama is watching full episode,

Jai Sri Ram,
Sri Rama is not just a name but a tangible help to devotees which manifest at right time to kill the demons and safe guard the interest of devotees,

Sri Rama is an entity though manifest in that age but truth of omnipresent in all ages and aeons and nothing is hidden to him but he waits for the right occasion to strike that once for all to save guard the interest of devotees,

Sri Rama is define deity of the temple of heart of the devotees and qualified divinity which never remains silent when it comes to help the devotees, no one can cheat the devotees of Sri Rama for long, cheaters have to repent badly,

Sri Rama is a divinity with truth of reality when it comes to help the helpless devotees, ignorant can never make it to the mystery, Rama keeps with for favor of devotees, cheaters cheating the devotees of Lord Rama, beware and be warn, as nothing is hidden to Sri Rama, and sri Rama is watching full episode,

May Lord Bless all,

Thanks please