Thursday, August 29, 2024

Sri Ekadasi today

 Jai Sri Ram,

All beings in journey of life live it in truth of priority, priority of individual may differ from society, priority of society may differ from the inherent cult of self, is a subject of realization, 

Sense objects are far higher than the senses as per the quotes of time and ages, Mind is higher than sense objects is visible reality, intellect is higher than the mind is a hidden truth to rely upon, 

Inner self that seated in a obscure sky of the hearts that far higher than all those including intellect and mind, 

But Adi Purusha that cause of one and all is not that far away from in inherent self, and attainable with time and occasion, Occasion to make it is Sri Ekadasi, and time relates the relativity of self and it could today and a day among Sri Ekadisies, a relative truth of any fortnight that rules by the truth of Lord Vishnu, Vishnu cult facilitate devotees and aspirants to make it to the tune of self in vicinity of the day that Sri Ekadasi,  

Vishnu Vishnu Vishnu