Monday, August 26, 2024

Sri Krishna Janmashtami

 Jai Sri Ram,

Sri Krishna Janmashtami is being celecelebarted to mark the truth of the day that embodiment of Krishna Prem, a love that meaningful all the way along with truth disinterested reality to serve the cause in pilgrimage on planet,

Time and ages have elaborated the truth of the day in varying forms to make it easy for embodied soul to enjoin this divine celebration, that to mark truth of self in love with lotus feet of Soul master, Krishna,

Sages of the time and eras have elaborated the ways to make the day to the tune unto truth of self for pure eternal gains, which not only yields here by much more on journey hereafter, Know Krishna to be supreme ancient personality that Adi Purusha, with inherent greatness and sole sovereign of his existence, his worship could offer a great deal unto truth of eternity of individual soul,  

This festival divine is available for a common cause for individual spirit in embodied truth, confor integrated wisdom to behold the value of being self in truth of individuality, celesals and gods themselves come to the Vasundhara to enjoy high eminence of this festivity with a great message for aspirants and devotees, 

Jai Sri Radhey Krishna